Free FAA Part 107 Practice Test & Ten Most Missed Questions
These are the ten most missed questions from my free FAA Part 107 practice test. How would you do if you took the actual test right now?
These are the ten most missed questions from my free FAA Part 107 practice test. How would you do if you took the actual test right now?
DJI’s newest travel drones have some amazing – but different – capabilities. What’s the difference between the Mavic 2 Pro vs Zoom, and which is better?
The portable Instax printer has been one of my favorite travel companions. It’s helped me make connections with people that I never would have otherwise.
Photos of people are such a vital piece of storytelling, but there are times when it’s not appropriate, as I felt in a destroyed town in Guatemala.
Despite all of their advantages to traveling photographers, there are also a few very important disadvantages of mirrorless cameras you should be aware of.
This post will highlight the main advantages of mirrorless cameras vs. DSLRs, especially from a minimalist travel photography standpoint. Why go mirrorless?
The FAA will allow recreational drone pilots to get instant airspace authorization using the LAANC system. Here’s what it means and how to use LAANC.
There’s a lot of confusion about how to use Fujifilm’s Highlight Tone and Shadow Tone. What do they do? How do you adjust them? Here are some answers.
Sometimes the best plans don’t go the way you wanted them to, sabotaged by Mother Nature. Do you give up, or do you adapt and roll with it?
Despite having been developed for darkroom work in the 1930’s, the Zone System is just as relevant today in digital photography – with some modifications.