Fujifilm X-T100 Setup Guide for Travel Photography
What are the best settings for the X-T100 for travel photographers? Here’s an X-T100 setup guide using my recommended settings, and why.
What are the best settings for the X-T100 for travel photographers? Here’s an X-T100 setup guide using my recommended settings, and why.
What are the best settings for the X-T30 for travel photographers? Here’s a walkthrough setup guide of my recommended X-T30 settings.
ISO expansion is an enigmatic term seen in all camera specifications. But what is Extended ISO, and should it matter to your purchasing decisions?
The Fujifilm X-T4 was just announced with a major hardware addition. Does this addition cross a line for some Fujifilm enthusiasts or is it “about time”?
Looking to break up the YouTube videos & same old Pandora songs? Try a podcast! These top five photography podcasts will help you improve your photography, both on the technical side and philosophical side. Give them a try if you’re not already.
Is Capture One better than Lightroom for travel photographers? Here’s my hard lesson learned for you – and why I no longer think that it’s better.
I’ll be returning to the Bahamas in March 2020 to followup with some volutneer sea turtle taggers I first met in 2013. You can also participate!
They say photography is a journey and not a destination. Part of that journey is constantly evaluating why you’re a photographer and what you’re capturing.
With all the photo apps out there, which should you use? These are some of my recommendations for travel and landscape photography apps.
A thorough comparison of PhotoPills and The Photographer’s Ephemeris. There are a number of great photography planning apps, which one works for you?