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New Part 107 Remote Pilot Questions for 2025

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I’ve made a big update to both the Part 107 Practice Test and Remote Pilot Test Prep Course for 2025 – 20 new questions to make sure you’re prepared to pass. These questions are based on feedback from students who have taken the FAA test.

I wanted to go over what I think might be five of the most difficult Part 107 questions out of the 20.

New Part 107 Questions for 2025

Civil vs Military vs Public

The U.S. Air Force is operating an atmospheric research sUAS over Texas oil fields. Must this comply with Part 107?
A) Yes
B) No
C) Only if the sUAS is carrying property for hire

The very first paragraph of 14 CFR Part 107 states, “this part applies to…operation of civil unmanned aircraft systems…”

part 107.1

“Civil” is an actual defined term in 14 CFR Part 1, stating “an aircraft other than a public aircraft.” The summary of “public aircraft” is one owned by any level of government in the U.S. for non-commercial purposes, or a military aircraft.

civil aircraft definition
public aircraft definition

With the information provided in this question, the aircraft is owned by the U.S. Air Force and provides a governmental function (research), thus it is not subject to Part 107. No is the correct answer.

Moving Vehicles

A travel blogger is following her truck with an sUAS while driving through a remote desert, recording the journey for a monetized YouTube video. The driver of the truck is solely responsible for operating the truck while the passenger is serving as sUAS PIC. Does this comply with Part 107?
A) Yes
B) No
C) It depends on state driving laws

The FAA has been cracking down on YouTubers making money off of their videos without a Part 107 license. That’s a discussion for another time…

This question can get you in trouble if you read too much into it, as many people tend to do. What kind of airspace are they in? Do they need authorization? Can the PIC see the drone? How many drones are they flying?

Don’t do that! It’s a simple question asking about operating from a moving vehicle. There’s a regulation about that.

The question tells us the passenger PIC is operating the drone over a remote desert. 14 CFR 107.25 says that a person can operate an sUAS from a moving vehicle if it’s over a sparsely populated area and not carrying property for hire.

part 107 moving vehicle

With the information given in the question, A) Yes is the correct answer. Don’t worry about all the other “what-ifs.” Just remember what the regulation says.

Operations Over People

To be eligible for Category 2 operations over people, the sUAS
A) cannot contain any exposed rotating parts that could lacerate human skin and cannot transfer 11 or more foot-pounds of kinetic energy to a person being hit.
B) cannot contain any exposed rotating parts that could lacerate human skin and must have an airworthiness certificate.
C) cannot contain any exposed rotating parts that could lacerate human skin and must weigh 0.55 pounds or less.

How am I supposed to remember the kinetic energy requirements for each category?!, you might ask. You don’t need to! This question tests your process of elimination skills.

Option B, an airworthiness certificate, only applies to Category 4. Option C, a weight limit of 0.55 pounds, only applies to Category 1.

Thus, the correct answer is “A”.

Airport Operations

While conducting an aerial survey of a local Class D airport, the control tower calls you and instructs you to remain clear of all runways. How will you identify when you’re “clear”?
A) You are following the solid yellow taxi stripe.
B) You are on the side of the hold short markings that have two dashed yellow lines.
C) You are on the side of the hold short markings that have two solid yellow lines.

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    Student feedback has been surprising with the number of questions regarding operating on an airport, as an sUAS pilot. Something you will likely never do. But there’s a chance, and the consequences are high, so I guess the FAA is testing on it.

    Know your airport markings, found in the Aeronautical Information Manual.

    The markings in question here talk about the runway safety area markings, also known as hold short markings. You have to be on one side of these markings to be considered “clear” of the runway protected area. But which side?

    There’s an easy mnemonic device for this: dashed is dangerous, solid is safe. So long as you’re on the solid side of the markings, you’re clear of the runway. “C” is the correct answer.

    hold short markings

    Density Altitude

    You are planning to fly your fixed-wing UA on a tall mountain plateau on a hot summer day. What is an important consideration to keep in mind?
    A) Propeller efficiency will decrease but the wings will generate more lift.
    B) Propeller efficiency increases and wings will generate more lift.
    C) Propeller efficiency decreases and wings will generate less lift.

    Student feedback also indicates the FAA is asking a lot of questions about fixed-wing sUAS, something most of us may not be familiar with since quadcopters are so prevalent. It shouldn’t make that much of a difference to you so long as you have a basic understanding of performance.

    High, hot, humid, and heavy are dangerous flight conditions due to decreased performance. In this case, flying at a high altitude on a hot day, you’ll have a high density altitude.

    “High density altitude” confuses a lot of people. It’s not “high-density” altitude, it’s high “density altitude.” You’re at a high altitude. At high altitudes with less dense air, the ability of airfoils (propellers and wings) to generate lift is decreased.

    “C” is the correct answer.

    air density

    Take the new Part 107 test

    Those are what I think might be the five most difficult questions on the Part 107 test bank update, and their explanations

    You can check out the Part 107 Practice Test and Remote Pilot Test Prep Course to find the updates and help you pass the test.

    Please let me know if you have any questions or comments, and happy studying!

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