Disadvantages of Mirrorless Cameras: Do They Matter To You?
Despite all of their advantages to traveling photographers, there are also a few very important disadvantages of mirrorless cameras you should be aware of.
Despite all of their advantages to traveling photographers, there are also a few very important disadvantages of mirrorless cameras you should be aware of.
This post will highlight the main advantages of mirrorless cameras vs. DSLRs, especially from a minimalist travel photography standpoint. Why go mirrorless?
Despite having been developed for darkroom work in the 1930’s, the Zone System is just as relevant today in digital photography – with some modifications.
Getting the perfect white balance in camera can be a challenge. Have you tried setting manual Kelvin temperatures in different situations?
The mystery of guide numbers prevents a lot of people from using Manual flash, even TTL flash. Here’s an explanation, guide number calculator, and chart.
Does using a flash scare you because you don’t understand the Inverse Square Law? Here’s a basic explanation, some calculators, and an easy rule of thumb.
How do you read your camera’s histogram and use it to nail your exposure every time? We’ll learn how to do that here.
Some tips for getting more life out of your camera battery while on the trail or on vacation. Turn off features, use solar, and keep them warm!
Electronic shutters, and the totally silent shooting that they enable, are a key selling point to some photographers. But they’re not without disadvantages.
If you find that you haven’t been out shooting as much as you would like to, try giving yourself a specific photography assignment, like homework.