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John Muir Trail: Muir Trail Ranch to Mather Pass
To view all images from this segment, and/or to purchase prints, visit my John Muir Trail: Muir Trail Ranch to Mather Pass photo gallery.
View the John Muir Trail Trip Report
Not every mile is represented in the photos for one reason or another. Direct journal entries in italics.
I really had a hard time picking one photo for each mile in this segment (visit the link above for all of them). We had some smoke from fires one morning and then some low pressure from the remains of a tropical storm started moving in, making the atmospherics great for photography (at least in my mind!)
Previous: Red’s Meadow to Muir Trail Ranch | Next: Mather Pass to Mt. Whitney
Mile 109: Morning at Piute Canyon Creek

Evening at the campsite where Piute Canyon and the Piute Creek intersect with the John Muir Trail. Mile 109.
Mile 110: The Muir Aspen
“Woke up early to start hike up to Evolution Valley. Walk along river was awesome, especially looking back west to the domes. Never found Muir Rock but I did find an aspen with his name and “1901” inscribed in it. It looked old enough. Gorgeous part of the walk.”

Trail lore says that John Muir signed his last name into this aspen in 1901. The signature looks old enough. Mile 110.
Mile 111: San Joaquin River
Mile 112: Pack Team

A mix of horses and mules cross the South Fork of the San Joaquin River packed with supplies. Mile 112.
Mile 113: To Evolution Meadow
Mile 114: Evolution Creek
“Hiked up to Evolution Valley, falls of Evolution Creek very impressive. The whole valley very pretty, many meadows, views, and cascades.”

After its journey from Darwin Lake and through Evolution Meadow, Evolution Creek ends in some cascades into the San Joaquin River. Mile 114.
Mile 115: Evolution Creek Crossing
Mile 118: McClure Meadow
Mile 121: “The Hermit”
“Camped out on some granite slabs, exposed, along the Darwin Creek cascades. Amazing views of The Hermit, Mt. Darwin, and Mt. Mendel. Sun is brutal up here.”
Mile 122: Evolution Lake
“Woke up early to climb into Evolution Basin – wow. Not something you’d expect to find so close to home. Patagonia or New Zealand maybe. Smoke from Sequoia fire was kinda ruining photo ops as the morning went on.”
Mile 123: Around Evolution Lake

Red Mountain Heather on the trail going down the east side of Evolution Lake. Smoke from a nearby fire adds some haze to the air. Mile 123.
Mile 124: Sapphire Lake
Mile 126: Wanda Lake
“Kept climbing and passed more lakes, now above the treeline. Sapphire and Wanda Lakes very clear.”

The trail along the east side of Wanda Lake, named after John Muir’s oldest daughter, approaching Muir Pass. Mile 126.
Mile 127: Up Muir Pass
Mile 128: Muir Hut
“Climbed up the granite rocks to Muir Hut – very cool. Took a break there then on to the backside of Muir Pass, into a contact zone between granite and volcanic? Interesting geology.”
Mile 129: Helen Lake Crossing
Mile 130: Unnamed Lake
Mile 131: Another Unnamed Lake
Mile 132: Young Bucks
“Started down steep switchbacks to lake near Starr Camp, camped out right above the lake. Next morning went to the lake to photograph the waterfall and three bucks emerged from the bushes, completely unafraid or bothered by my presence. I photographed them in front of the falls then hiked down the Middle Fork of the Kings River – cascades on granite slabs surrounded by granite towers over 12,000′.”

Early morning at the small lake near Starr Camp. Three young bucks feeding in front of the waterfall. Mile 132.
Mile 134: Little Pete Meadow
Mile 135: Le Conte Canyon
“Trail led in to lush meadows with aspens and wildflowers. Went through Le Conte Canyon, saw more deer and more waterfalls.”
Mile 136: Le Conte Footbridge
Mile 137: Middle Fork Kings River
Mile 140: Aspen Groves
Mile 141: Approaching Deer Meadow
Mile 142: Deer Meadow
“Then the hike up to Palisade Creek to the bottom of the Golden Staircase. Cascades, meadows, and a large burned area with burned trees and green ferns, aspens, and wildflowers. Quite the contrast.”

Sierra Shooting Stars in Deer Meadow, an area recently burned by fire. Look closely and you’ll see a marmot sunning on the log. Mile 142.
Mile 143: Start of the Golden Staircase
“Started early climbing the Golden Staircase – what views down the canyon! And an incredible feat of trailmaking, but steep, high, neverending switchbacks.”
Mile 144: Wildflowers
Mile 145: The Golden Staircase
Mile 147: Palisade Lakes

After the Golden Staircase, the trail follows the northern shores of Palisade Lakes before climbing again to Mather Pass. Mile 147.
Mile 148: Red Mountain Heather
Mile 150: Switchbacks up Mather Pass
“Mather Pass was a bitch. Mostly sunny and hot when I did it but clouds rolled in once I got to the top. Still incredible views of the Palisades and the mountains to the south!”